RECORDING: Scaling Up Webinar
Applying the ExpandNet/WHO framework, tools and approach to support scale up of health and development interventions in Uganda and the DRC
The webinar’s focused on strengthening development impact by ensuring that evidence-based interventions are sustainably scaled up to serve more people and influence policy and program development. Members of ExpandNet – which is a global network of health and development professionals that seek to advance the practice and science of scale up – shared a systematic framework and approach for scaling up evidence-based interventions across a range of development sectors.
Speakers were Mr. Charles Kabiswa from the Ecological Christian Organization in Uganda, Dr. Alexis Ntabona a senior ExpandNet consultant based in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Ms. Laura Ghiron who serves on the ExpandNet Secretariat from the United States.
In addition to briefly laying out ExpandNet’s framework, tools, and approach, the webinar highlighted country experience from Uganda and DRC where ExpandNet/WHO scale-up guidance was applied from the earliest stages of project conceptualization through to planning and managing the scale-up process. Three project experiences were discussed including: 1) an integrated population/health/environment project in Uganda and Kenya called HoPE-LVB; and 2) an effort to develop a model and strategy to advance implementation of a successfully tested approach to building family planning service capacity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
About the Presenters:
Laura Ghiron, MPH, is the President of Partners in Expanding Health Quality and Access. Ms. Ghiron co-edited a book of scaling‐up case studies and helped publish a number of scaling‐up guidance tools with WHO. She has been providing scaling up-related technical support to several major efforts in Asia, Africa, and Latin America since 2007.
Charles Kabiswa, MPM is the director, programs, Ecological Christian Organization in Kampala, Uganda. With a B.A. in Social Sciences and a Master in Project Management, Charles Kabiswa has addressed a wide range of natural resource and development-sector issues ranging from health, conservation, population, socio-economic challenges, sustainable livelihoods, policy and legislative actions using approaches that facilitate multisectoral integration. He has worked on the Health of People and Environment in the Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) project and the Integrated Risk Management Project under Partners for Resilience in Uganda. He has been a key contributor to Uganda’s national and East Africa’s regional policies and frameworks like the Uganda Climate Change Policy and Act, Uganda Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the East African Community, and Uganda PHE strategy, among others. Charles has written several papers linking Population, Environment, the SDGs, and Climate Agenda as well as Applying ExpandNet’s systematic approach to scaling up in integrated projects and programs in East Africa.
Alexis Ntabona, NM, MPH trained as a Medical Doctor with a specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire). As a founding member of ExpandNet since 2003, he has participated in providing technical support to the development of scaling-up strategies in several countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Uganda.