
Implementation practice and science are developing rapidly in human services in nations around the globe. The Global Implementation Society (GIS) advances implementation practice and science by supporting members and by directly undertaking projects to develop implementation as a profession based on knowledge and standards for practice.

Membership in the Global Implementation Society joins you to a community of professionals who are developing and using new and better ways of providing human services (implementation practice) and who are generating knowledge about how best to do this (implementation research, implementation policy).

GIS members represent a variety of service sectors, have different professional and disciplinary backgrounds, and are from high- and low-resource settings across the globe.

Membership Options

Click between tabs, below, for more information on our membership options.

Member Benefits

The special and inclusive features of the GIS transdisciplinary global community bring benefits to members not available elsewhere.  It allows members to gain from and contribute to this fast-developing field. The tangible benefits of GIS membership include:

  • Access to members-only open educational resources including online webinars, presentations, and discussion materials
  • Early registration opportunities for professional development sessions globally
  • Discounted registration fees for the Global Implementation Conference (GIC) and Global Implementation Education events
    • Up to half the Membership dues paid to GIS can be used to offset GIC registration fees!
  • Access to live streaming of GIC plenary presentations
  • Easy access to other members to seek advice based on implementation projects they or others have done
  • Participation in developing implementation as a recognized professional discipline; for example GIS Committees currently are developing:
    • Draft standards to define the profession
    • Content desired for webinars and Conferences
    • Content for web based resources
    • An on-line Global Implementation Journal
  • The right to reference yourself as a “Member of the Global Implementation Society”
  • Nominate and elect members of the Global Implementation Society Board of Directors
  • Opportunity to take part in the Global Implementation Education program
  • Receipt of on-line GIS publications
  • Receipt of the on-line Global Implementation Journal
  • Access to technical manuals and tools tested and useful in practice
  • *Plus other benefits developed by the membership

(*) These benefits are under development