Special Issue: The Practice of Implementation

To address the gap between what we know and what we do (the research-to-practice gap), Global Implementation Research and Applications (GIRA) invites submission of brief abstracts proposing manuscripts for publication in a special issue entirely devoted to the practice of implementation.

*Abstracts for the special issue are now closed! Thank you for your interest. 

Who Should Submit?

  • People involved in and affected by the implementation of practice and policy (e.g., clinicians, service providers and recipients, supervisors, managers, administrators, community leaders and funders, as well as the people they serve)
  • People with experience facilitating implementation or who provide implementation support (e.g., people from intermediary organizations, implementation specialists and support practitioners, quality improvement organizations, consultants, and funders)
  • Those involved in pragmatic/applied implementation research and evaluation (e.g., project managers, coordinators, supervisors, researchers or others)

Potential Topics

To inform future implementation research and applications, we seek abstracts proposing manuscripts for this special issue that may:

  • Bring attention to any practice of implementation that incorporates systematic data collection and quality improvement efforts.
  • Identify real-world implementation gaps or inequities.
  • Present practice-informed lessons that can inform implementation theories, models or frameworks, as well as strategies, resources, or tools for successful partnerships.
  • Promote discourse between and among practitioners, policymakers, and researchers.
  • Share the development of measures and/or methods to assess constructs particularly relevant to the practice of implementation such as relationships, trust, and power.
  • Share experiences, needs, and perspectives of people involved in and affected by the implementation of policy or practice.

Basic Questions Authors Should Consider and May Address

  • What were the goals of this implementation effort?
  • What questions did you hope to answer in this effort? 
  • How did you go about answering those questions? 
  • What multiple perspectives and experiences shaped this effort?
  • How did you structure your approach to data/evidence collection? 
  • What implementation theory, evidence, frameworks, or literature informed or focused your efforts?
  • What were the results? What did you learn? Are there implications for the field?

Author Support Services

We’ve developed four brief videos to help you contribute your experiences and perspectives to this special issue. Access them through this link:


Video 1: What is the Special Issue?

Video 2: Tips and Tricks for Practitioners to Turn their Experience into a Manuscript

Video 3: Who Should Submit a Manuscript?

Video 4: The Goals and Rationale Behind the Special Issue

In addition to the videos, please remember that authors will receive writing support and guidance throughout the process of submission and peer-review. To access author support services please visit this page.

Abstracts May also Propose Manuscripts that:

  • Systematically examine and discuss the approaches, frameworks, or theories of publications that focus on the practice of implementation (eg; a systematic or scoping review)
  • Pose questions and offer perspectives to generate discussion and research. These commentaries should inspire new ideas, innovations, and directions.

Abstract Length and Submission

  • There is no required format. 
  • Authors will receive writing support and guidance throughout the process of submission and peer-review. 
  • Abstracts should be no more than 300 words (approximately one page, double spaced). 
  • Please submit on or before October 31, 2024. You will receive a response that identifies next steps for manuscript submission within two weeks. 
  • Following peer-review, as manuscripts are accepted, they will be published online. 
  • Accepted manuscripts will be organized into the special issue that we hope to disseminate as GIRA’s December 2025 issue.

Abstracts for the special issue are now closed! Thank you for your interest.