GIS – Demystifying the GIRA Submission and Review Process
Join the Global Implementation Society on May 24, 2023 at 1:00 pm EDT (New York) for a chance to meet and speak directly with the associate editors for GIS’s flagship scientific journal, Global Implementation Research and Applications (GIRA).
This interactive webinar will give you the opportunity to ask questions directly of the GIRA Editorial Board about the type of content GIRA seeks to publish; how your perspective might be valuable to GIRA’s readership; and the road from having a good idea, to sharing that idea with your peers and colleagues via publication in a scientific journal.
Prior publications and/or publishing experience are NOT required to participate in this webinar!
In fact, as GIRA continues to solicit more perspectives directly from the front lines of implementation practice, if you have not had your work published before this is a perfect opportunity to learn what might be required to expand your professional recognition while simultaneously advancing the field of implementation.
In an effort to facilitate the incorporation of diverse viewpoints, experiences, and backgrounds, you are strongly encouraged to share this opportunity with your friends and colleagues.
The more voices and perspectives we invite to engage with GIRA, the more valuable and applicable this resource will ultimately be.
We hope you will join us for this live virtual event!
Our Experts & Leaders
Rosalyn Bertram, Ph. D. applies implementation science and evidence-based practice expertise in consultation, publishing, research and teaching. In addition to being GIRA’s editor-in-chief, she is co-author of Selecting and Implementing Evidence-Based Practice: A Practical Program Guide (Bertram & Kerns, 2019), and director of the Child and Family Evidence-Based Practice Consortium.
Through a National Child Welfare Workforce Institute university partnership grant, Rosalyn integrated implementation science and evidence-based practice in academic and field curricula to improve child welfare services while preparing future workforce and leaders. Her current efforts focus on developing an integrated system of care with schools, behavioral health programs and parents to address student anxiety, depression, trauma and conduct concerns
Nancy H. Covell, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Director for Implementation Support Systems at the Center for Practice Innovations (CPI) within the Division of Behavioral Health Services and Policy Research at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. She is also an Associate Professor of Clinical Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry) at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Dr. Covell has been conducting mental health services and implementation research for more than 20 years in public behavioral health settings (first in Connecticut and now in New York) with over 50 peer-reviewed publications related to this work and funding from national agencies and local government (state and city).
Dr. Covell’s current work with CPI involves providing blended (e-Learning and in person) training and targeted implementation supports (organizational-, provider-, and service recipient-level) to help behavioral healthcare agencies throughout New York adopt evidence-based practices. Dr. Covell is a Founding Member of both the Global Implementation Society (GIS) and the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC).
Tatiana Bustos, Ph.D. focuses her research at the intersection of implementation science, health equity, and community-based efforts. Through her work, she assists child welfare agencies to utilize an evidence-based kinship navigator program to improve access among foster care families across an entire state in the Midwest. Previously, her doctoral research examined a case study of community-academic partnerships in public health.
Applying social network analysis, community-based participatory principles, and mixed methods approaches, Dr. Bustos demonstrates how collaboration between academics and community practitioners is necessary in order for us to make impactful change grounded in community-based efforts.
Outside of her work, Dr. Bustos advocates and fights for spaces to foster the professional development of women of color in STEM, volunteering time with national divisions in her field to amplify the needs of underrepresented minority students in psychology in a variety of contexts that have resulted in workshops and resource distributions. In her own words, “I would describe myself as a social justice researcher, community psychologist, and advocate for real-world applications.”
Suzanne E.U. Kerns, Ph.D. is a professor, and Director of Transformative Research at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, in the Department of Pediatrics Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse & Neglect. In addition to this work, Dr. Kerns is also Network Partner Director for the Rocky Mountain MST Network (formerly Center for Effective Interventions). Throughout her career, Dr. Kerns has earned multiple awards in recognition of her work, and has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles. Additionally, she currently serves on the Colorado Child Welfare Prevention Task Group, she is an Advisory Board Member for the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute and Fostering Healthy Futures (University of Colorado – Anschutz), and is a Scientific Advisor for the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse.
Susie Breitenstein, Ph.D., RN, FAAN – Dr. Susie Breitenstein’s research focuses on improving the social and emotional well-being of parents and children. Her professional life has centered on family-focused behavioral and mental health promotion and prevention programs, specifically through parent training interventions. Dr. Breitenstein’s research focuses on innovative delivery models and implementation science to increase access and sustainability of evidence based programs to promote positive parent-child relationships and support optimal child development.
Registration is Open Now and FREE for all attendees!
Use the form below to reserve a spot for this event.
PLEASE NOTE: We have recently observed some form submission issues from certain IP addresses. It is expected that this is a bug with the form plugin, which we are looking into. In the meantime, please email [email protected] directly if you have repeated issues, and he will be happy to register you on your behalf and relay your questions to the speakers for this event!
GIRA Webinar - Demystifying the Publication Process
A sign up for a webinar on 5/25/23