Dr. Aaron Sawyer leads Cognosante’s Military and Veterans Health consulting practice, spanning implementation, knowledge translation, change management, and evaluation projects across two large integrated health systems reaching nearly 20 million beneficiaries globally. His professional career and training have included more than a decade of consulting, research, and evaluation experience focused on capacity building, systems integration, and translation of evidence-based practices into clinical settings. He has led multidisciplinary teams on numerous technical projects at the federal, state, and local levels across the U.S. Dr. Sawyer’s credentials include a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Missouri; postdoctoral training at the Kennedy Krieger Institute/Johns Hopkins University; and a master’s degree in experimental psychology, with an emphasis on measurement, evaluation, and statistical analysis, from Western Washington University. Dr. Sawyer served as Co-Chair for GIC 2021 and the Global Implementation Society’s (GIS) Professional Learning Committee leadership roles. He is a founding member of GIS, which focuses on promoting implementation best practices throughout health and human services organizations worldwide.