These competencies have been the focus of the GIS Standards & Competencies Committee for the past six years (2018-2024). Throughout that period, GIS Standards & Competencies Committee members, our co-chairs John Øvretveit and Paul Tortolani, the GIS Board of Directors, GIS members at large, and equity experts from beyond the GIS membership have all contributed to the evolution of this document. The current edition of the competencies reflects an intensive effort of the GIS Standards & Competencies Committee to account for equity considerations in implementation efforts.
In the coming months, GIS Standards & Competencies committee members will be developing additional guidance materials for these competencies, including a quick start guide, a longer form guidance document about the competencies’ scope and intent, and a self-assessment tool for users of the competencies to track their professional development as implementation facilitators. All GIS members are welcome to participate in the committee work and meetings that will advance this work.