Join the Global Implementation Society on October 27, 2023 at 14:00 UTC (3:00 pm Nigeria; 5:00 pm Kenya) for an opportunity to learn directly from the Chief of Health Research Office at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Senegal, Dr. Samba Cor Sarr.

During this event, Dr. Samba will share his experience with Implementation Research training in Senegal.

This interactive session is the second in a webinar series which will give you the opportunity to ask questions directly to GIS representatives about implementation, work within the society, and the purpose of our global community of implementation professionals.

Registration is Open Now and FREE for all attendees through the form below!

Registration form: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtc-uorjkuH9ClSfk1ztwI5KjkszVzgDkz

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any issues registering for this event, please email zach@globalimplementation.org directly, and he will be happy to register you on your behalf and relay any questions you may have to the speakers for this event!

About our Speaker

Dr. Samba currently serves as the Chief of Health Research office in the Ministry of Health in Senegal. In addition to this role, he serves in a number of other research and leadership positions including as the Head of the Research Division of the Direction de la Planification, de la Recherche et des Statistiques (DPRS) since 2004, Permanent secretary of the Research and Ethical Aspects Commission of the National Epidemic Management Committee since May 2020, Permanent Secretary of the National Ethics Committee for Health Research since 2004, and representative of Senegal to the General Assembly of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) in 2022 to name a few.

In addition to these roles, Dr. Samba has taught Research Methodology and Ethics at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD), National School of Health and Social Development (ENDSS), the National School of Specialized Social Workers (ENTSS), Amadou Hampathé Bâ University and the Christopher Dakar Private University.

Dr. Samba was the principal researcher of the project “Exploring the use of evidence in the response to covid19 and capitalizing on the learning of stakeholders in Senegal" (funded by the IDRC, 2020-2022), co-principal investigator of the research project “Promoting the role of women in research and higher education” (funded by the European Union, 2019- 2021), and organizer of the World Summit of Ethics and Bioethics Committees which took place in Dakar from March 22 to 24, 2018.

Dr. Samba continues to serve regularly as a panelist, committee member, editor, and educator for a number of organizations and projects focused on improving research methodologies and health outcomes at home and abroad.

The Global Implementation Society is thrilled to be able to share in Dr. Samba's time, perspective, and expertise on October 27!

Submit your nomination below!