Updated Competencies for Implementation Facilitators (Second Edition) – ¡También en Español!

The GIS statement of facilitator competencies was developed to enable:
- People to self-assess their own competencies – their strengths and weaknesses,
- Managers to recruit staff or contract services to facilitate implementation,
- Programs and courses providing learning for practical implementers (as opposed to researchers),
- Services accrediting and certifying programs or individuals,
- Other stakeholders, such as funding agencies wishing to support service development through implementing innovations.
We should recognize John Øvretveit and Paul Tortoloni for their leadership on the GIS Standards & Competencies committee and their hard work in driving the development and improvement of this resource. The committee is already at work on a THIRD edition, incorporating equity as a foundational consideration in these competencies – and all GIS members are invited to participate in that process. If you’re not a member, join GIS today!
Download Competencies
¡También en Español! Competencias Para Personas Que Facilitan La Implementación
We also have to recognize the outstanding work of Sergio Chacón Armijo, Daniel A. Díaz Vera, & Rodrigo Rojas-Andrade for their hard work in translating this document to Spanish! This project is a testament to what our truly global society can achieve, together.
Competencias Para Personas Que Facilitan La Implementación »